
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What Should We Do?

"this will be cute"
"is that cutting off your circulation?"

"the lipless monster"

"wait, let's do it again"

"she always covers her face in photos"

"i don't even know what he would do"


"look at your chin"

"gang signs?"

"i like this one"


"half the face!"

"let's do a hipster crop"

"i'm not ready"

"i guess"

(totally just barely saw Linds is flipping the camera off)

"third time's a charm"



"i can't believe we're doing this"
Photobooth photos really did just appear here.
I apologize. I simply don't have any on my camera.
Pear haps tomorrow will be better?

It rained last night. So, that's something that happened. JC texted me. Yay for human interaction with cool people. I quite like sitting in cars when it's raining. Oh, and I got killed in Assassin. Ate a veggie burger. Made some cookies. Lied straight up to Reed and said they were homemade. I bought them in a Pillsbury roll.

I'm missing my Book of Mormon class for the third time in a row right now. I need my old alarm. These phone alarms are simply too easy to turn of or sleep through. Plus, it doesn't help that I have zero motivation to go. Terrible student award right here.

In other news, I miss Trixie.

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